Contract Corner

Article 3.2 Union Work

"Persons whose jobs are not in the bargaining unit shall not work on any jobs which are included in the bargaining unit, except for the purposes of instruction, experimenting, or in emergencies when regular employees are not available and provided that the act of performing the aforementioned operations, in itself, does not reduce the hours of work or pay of any employee."

Article 15.3 Family Leave (revised 2009-2013 contract language)

"When an employee is required to respond to a medical emergency or to provide care for a sick or injured member of the employee's immediate family, the employee shall be entitled, after notifying the employee's supervisor, to use a maximum of five (5) days sick leave per year, to deal with the medical emergency or care for the member of the family who is sick or injured. Immediate family is defined as: spouse, common law or life partner, child, parent, grandchild or grandparent. An employee may be required to provide a certificate from a qualified practitioner confirming the illness of the family member."

Article 18.10 Pay During Temporary Transfer - Higher Classification

"When an employee is appointed or requested by his/her Department Head to temporarily perform work for which a higher classification is provided, such employee shall be paid immediately the established rate quoted for the higher position to which the employee has been temporarily assigned".

Becoming a Shop Steward

Download the CUPE Steward Handbook to learn more about the roles & responsibilities required of a Shop Steward.

If you are interested in becoming a Shop Steward please contact a member of the Executive Board!