Calling all CUPE Local 1267 members! Skate board park volunteer day, June 26, 2016
Calling all CUPE Local 1267 members! Your help is needed! Come out and lend a hand as the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department continues work on the new skate board park! We have offered the gift of our time to this project, a project that will provide a new, safe and exciting place for youth and all members of the community to hang out! Our task: laying top soil! After presenting an opportunity to donate funds to the construction of the new skate board park, we heard mixed responses from our membership. In an attempt to maintain a donation, an opportunity to donate a "gift in kind" (in this instance our time and labour) is available. In recognition of our gift in kind, the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department has offered our membership 2 bricks in the new retaining walls with our Local's name! Come by and help, even if you only have an hour, and leave your mark on this great project!Drinks and snacks provided.Sign up by email: