Mission Christmas Bureau, Festival of Trees & Happy 2014!
CUPE Local 1267 wishes the community a very happy New Year and sincerely hopes that 2014 will bring health, happiness and prosperity to everyone.
Our annual "Winter Wonderland" skate was a successful event for CUPE members, exempt staff and our families at the District of Mission. Thank you to all that volunteered and for those that donated cash or non-perishable items for the Mission Food Bank.
Over the past month our membership took time to give back to our community and help the less fortunate.
CUPE Local 1267 donated $1,000 to the Mission Christmas Bureau thanks to the support of its members. The cheque was presented to Phil Hope (Mission Christmas Bureau) by Donna-Lee Lakes, president, Joan McPherson, vice-president and Tina Mooney, communications officer, on behalf of the membership.
CUPE Local 1267 also supported the Club K.I.D.S. Festival of Trees which helps support the Club K.I.D.S program in our community. Locals 1267's tree was decorated by Mission Central Elementary Club K.I.D.S. Program. Thank you to the kids that made decorations and helped decorate the tree.
May you all have a warm and relaxing holiday season that allows you to spend quality time with your loved ones.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Tina Mooney, Communications Officer