November 2021 Regular Membership Meeting & Elections



On November 17th, 2021, elections will be held for Vice-President & Health and Safety Officer, Chief Shop Steward, Recording Secretary, and Communications Officer for a two (2) year term.

Three (3) Shop Stewards consisting of one (1) from each Schedule "A", "B", and "C" will also be elected for a two (2) year term. One Trustee will also be elected for a three (3) year term.

Amanda Tesluck (Parks and Recreation) and Andrea Hamagishi (RCMP) are on the Elections Committee. The Committee shall have full responsibility for voting arrangements and the counting of ballots and shall treat information submitted to it as confidential.

- Please contact Amanda or Andrea if you are interested in letting your name stand for a position

- Nominations will be accepted in writing prior to the elections or verbally at the meeting on November 17th

- No nomination will be accepted unless the member attends the meeting or has provided their consent in writing

**General Responsibilities**

Please refer to our bylaws for a complete list of duties & responsibilities

Vice-President & Health and Safety Officer

2-year term

• If the President is absent, incapacitated or not eligible, perform all duties of the


• Preside over membership and Executive Board meetings in the absence of the


• If the office of the President falls vacant, be Acting President until a new President is


• Attend all Executive Board, regular and special membership meetings.

• Participate in the Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee. Assist in the

development and implementation of programs to protect the employees' safety and


• Prepare factual information to present and distribute to the membership annually on

April 28th - "Day of Mourning".

• As required, sign all cheques and ensure that the Local Union's funds are used only

as authorized or directed by the CUPE National Constitution, Local Union bylaws, or

vote of the membership.

• As required, be allowed necessary and reasonable funds, to reimburse the President

or any Officers for expenses incurred on behalf of the Local Union. Expense claims

must be listed on a proper form outlining the expense, the reason for the expense

and supporting receipt(s) attached.

• Render assistance to any member of the Executive as directed by the Executive


• Receive up to two (2) paid days per month to attend to the duties of the Vice-

President and Health & Safety Officer.

Chief Shop Steward

2-year term

• Attend all Executive Board, Regular and Special Membership meetings.

• Chair all Shop Steward meetings.

• Chair the Grievance Committee.

• Provide a monthly grievance report to the Executive Board and at the Regular

Membership meetings.

• Ensure that the local's grievance files are correctly organized, maintained and

permanently retained in a safe and secure location.

• Ensure that all Shop Stewards perform their duties with an acceptable degree of


• Receive up to 2 paid days per month to attend to the duties of the position of

Chief Shop Steward.

Recording Secretary

2-year term

• Attend all Executive Board, Regular and Special Membership meetings.

• Keep a full, accurate and impartial account of the proceedings of all Regular or Special Membership and Executive Board meetings.

• Prepare and distribute agendas and notices to the membership.

• Preside over membership and Executive Board meetings in the absence of both the President and the Vice-President and Health & Safety Officer.

• Respond to correspondence and fulfil other administrative and clerical duties.

• Prepare formal communications and correspondence on behalf of the Local, the Executive Board and the President.

• Have all records ready on reasonable notice for Auditors and Trustees.

• Prepare amendments and/or additions to the Local's bylaws and National for their approval, and act as chair for the Bylaw Committee.

• Receive up to 12 paid hours per month to attend to the duties of the position of Recording Secretary.

Communications Officer

2-year term

• Attend all Executive Board, regular and special membership meetings.

• Maintain and regularly update the local's website and update the membership on important changes.

• Use the local's website as an important and effective tool for distributing information to the membership, promoting trade union values and strengthening the local's image in the community.

• Chair the Political Action Committee (when active) & the Social Committee.

• Develop and distribute a questionnaire to the individuals running for Mayor and Council, collect the responses and distribute them to the membership.

• Attend community-sponsored all-candidates meetings and report back to the membership.

• Develop, propose, organize and promote CUPE-sponsored social events.

• Create and distribute posters/flyers advertising CUPE-sponsored social events (via website and email) and create and distribute attendance sheets.

• Canvas the membership for new suggestions and ideas and actively recruit new members interested in participating in Social Committee activities.

• Organize meetings to discuss ideas, assign relevant tasks and develop new social events.

• Develop, organize and implement ways in which the local can strengthen its image in the community by providing financial support, in-kind support or volunteering at community events.

• Receive up to twelve (12) paid hours per month to attend to the duties of the Communications Officer.

Shop Stewards

2-year term

• Attend all regular and special membership meetings.

• Attend all Shop Stewards meetings.

• Familiarize themselves with the Collective Agreement and all federal and provincial workplace regulations.

• Ensure that the provisions of the Collective Agreement are upheld, and notify the Chief Shop Steward and/or Executive Board of any apparent violations.

• Gather all pertinent information relative to a grievance and process the grievance through the initial stages of the procedure contained in the Collective Agreement.

• Take all grievances to the Chief Shop Steward or, in his absence, the President for clarification of language and procedures, prior to submitting the grievance(s.)

• Actively encourage all members to attend meetings of the Union.

• Perform duties as may be assigned by the Chief Shop Steward or Executive Board.

• On the approval of the Chief Shop Steward (or designate), be remunerated up to 1 hour per month to attend to the duties of a shop steward.


3-year term

• Act as an auditing committee on behalf of the members and audit the books and accounts of the Treasurer, the Recording Secretary, and the Committees at least twice every calendar year.

• Make a written report of their findings to the first membership meeting following the completion of each audit.

• Submit in writing to the President and Treasurer any recommendations and/or concerns they feel should be reviewed in order to ensure that the Local Union's funds, records, and accounts are being maintained by the Treasurer in an organized, correct, and proper manner.

• Be responsible to ensure that monies have not been paid out without proper constitutional or membership authorization.

• Ensure that proper financial reports have been given to the membership.

• Audit the record of attendance.

• Inspect at least once a year, any stocks, bonds, securities, office furniture and equipment, and titles or deeds to property that may at any time be owned by the Local Union and report their findings to the membership.

• Send to the National Secretary-Treasurer, with a copy to the assigned Servicing Representative, the following documents:

i. Completed Trustee Audit Program

ii. Completed Trustees' Report

iii. Treasurer Report to the Trustees

iv. Recommendations made to the President and Treasurer of the Local Union

v. Treasurer's response to recommendations

vi. Concerns that have not been addressed by the Local Union Executive Board